Why, and how to, get good customer testimonials

Why is it crucial that you spend time and effort getting testimonials?

• Testimonials are evidence that you actually have customers and that they are happy customers!
• Testimonials are the ‘written word of mouth’.
• When a product or service comes recommended the buyer feels increased confidence and so takes a step closer to buying it.

People like to hear someone else’s opinion on something before they spend money on it themselves. If a friend or family member makes a recommendation we trust and respect their opinion, hence the highest level of endorsement is from someone we know. If it isn’t someone we know personally then second best is someone we think is trustworthy and unbiased – your customers!

So to increase the chance of a sale (or even an enquiry) you need to provide the opportunity for your potential buyer to see or hear someone apart from you (the seller) recommend whatever it is.

Your customer will put more worth on a testimonial that is relevant to them. This may be the person’s age, gender, background, circumstance, job position, etc.

How to get good testimonials

Make a conscious effort to ask for testimonials at every opportunity. Don’t make getting feedback an afterthought. Be prepared – carry a video camera with you at all times and at minimum a camera, note book and pen.

Don’t be afraid to ask your satisfied customer for their official opinion.

People often struggle to put the words together so assist them with a few questions. I’d recommend having a testimonial form ready with basic questions that bring out detail about their need or problem, what brought them to you, their situation now, how they feel about the service or product and anything that stands out for them?

Make sure you get the author’s permission to use the quote or testimonial. Take care that their name and title is correct. If you have nowhere to show the quote or video at the moment you can store it with a date and details for use later.

Video testimonials have a greater impact

A video shows the actual real person and is the next best thing to a recommendation in person. The viewer not only hears the positive review but also gets an opportunity to see the product (I recently did a video testimonial for a timber framing company with our newly erected house in full view in the background).

Written testimonials

It’s not always possible to get a video testimonial and hence a written quote is perfectly acceptable. A photo of the person next to their quote adds interest and credibility. I like to see quotes in pride of place on a web site and recommend downloading software on your web site that displays your quotes as ‘stray random quotes’.

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